Ralph Chery Licensed Real Estate Salesperson - Flatbush Office
- Office: (718) 629-1888
- Cell: (646) 399-0037
- Email: ralphchery@bklynrp.com
Hi my name is Ralph Chery I work for Brooklyn Real property Inc. We have 5 offices in Brooklyn and Manhattan. I'm currently finishing my bachelor of art in Speech Language pathology, minor in business at Lehman college. I am a people person first before anything. I love to ask myself what is next, a career in real estate means you have to keep learning day in and out.The reason why you should work with me, One I love what I do,and I like helping people three I always give 100% to everything that I do. The harder you work the more luck you seem to have. I’m a doer that is why a career in real estate suits my personality. Let’s get your home sold or help you move to the next property.
Sincerely Ralph.
Phone Number 646-399-0037
Email: ralphchery@bklynrp.com or Ralphchery7@gmail.com